Release v0.13.1c – There’s your sea monsters!

Maybe I should spend more time on getting individual features working right before moving on and adding more stuff, instead of what I’m doing right now, which is basically “throw in lots of half finished crap and improve it as you need to”. I’m losing track of my own version numbers, and it’s gonna be really annoying in the end when I have to clean pages and pages of code and all it’ll amount to will be a small bugfix.

But oh well. Here’s a new version.

I decided the water leak should start as a small crack, then as water rushes in, pieces break off and it gets larger. When it gets large, stuff from outside can get in, of course… The AI routine is very silly, and on top of that, it took me an awful lot of work, but I think it’ll have to do for the time being.

Naturally, you can die now. I guess the water is also cold, so it shouldn’t be good for you to stay in it too long.

And that’s about it for v0.13.1c.

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